
Terms & Conditions for Myoko House 

(for Myoko Apartments Terms & Conditions, click here)

Myoko House is not suitable for children under 4 years of age. As we are in a local neighbourhood, Myoko House is not suitable for those wishing to party until late.


All prices will be quoted in Japanese Yen and include consumption tax. An additional cost will be applied for sole use.

A 20% deposit of the total booking is required in order to secure the booking. Your requested booking is not confirmed until the deposit has been paid.  This is unless the booking is made within 1 month of your stay, in which case, full payment is required to secure the booking. Full payment is required up to 60 days prior to arrival (Japanese ¥ only). Please note that all bank fees are your responsibility. Credit card payment incurs a 3.6% fee. Please contact us if you would like to reduce fees and pay via Wise. 

Cancellation Policy
Your 20% deposit payment is non-refundable, however, as life often gets in the way, we understand that plans may change for reasons beyond your control. As such, your deposit payment may be applied to a future booking, if you wish. 

Cancellations within 60 days will incur a 100% cancellation fee.


All bookings include free daily breakfast (December to March) and free transfers as detailed below.

We also have a guest kitchen (free to use) and a gyoza restaurant (+¥) onsite. Only Myoko House and Myoko Apartments guests may dine at the gyoza restaurant.

Transfers: While having a car affords the most freedom, we appreciate that not everyone wants to drive in the snow. For those who won’t be driving, we provide free pick-up and drop-off to/from Myoko Kogen Station at the beginning and end of your stay (strictly no earlier than 3 pm on the day of check-in and no later than 10:30 am on the day of check out – contact us via WhatsApp, if possible, to keep us up-to-date with an arrival time: +817044039103), and free transfers to one of the four main resorts each morning (Akakura Kanko, Akakura Onsen, Ikenotaira, Suginohara), if required (at scheduled times after breakfast) and free pick-up at a scheduled time in the afternoon. There is a bus stop 350 metres up the street for access to other resorts (Lotte Arai, Madarao/Tangram, etc,.) and the above resorts outside scheduled pick-up times. We will drive guests to Akakura Onsen or Shin-Akakura for dinner and they can make their own way home at the end of the night. 

All guests please note; on days of particularly heavy snow, the train from Nagano may run only as far as Kurohime Station. We are unable to do pick-ups or drop-offs from/to Kurohime. When this is the case, a taxi to or from Kurohime will probably be your best option. We can help you organise this.

All guests driving have free parking directly in front of the property. We strongly advise that guests hiring a car do so from Nagano rather than Tokyo. This will ensure you avoid the hidden costs of not having winter tyres included and that your insurance covers snow conditions.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to ask.



  • 全館禁煙(電子タバコも含む)となっております。館内で喫煙を見つけ次第、その場で罰金をお支払いしていただきます。
  • シャワールーム、キッチンは共用となるため、長時間のご使用はお控えください。
  • シェアキッチンのご利用は7:00 ~ 21:00です。
  • 外出の際は暖房、電気等はお切りになりますようご協力ください。
  • 一週間以内の滞在の場合の客室清掃·シーツ·タオル交換はございません。ご希望の方は、別途料金にて承ります。
  • ゲスト様の故意、または過失により当宿が損害を被った場合、その損害を賠償していただきます。
  • 貴重品の管理はご自身でお願いいたします。当施設では、盗難·紛失などの責任は一切負いかねます。
  • 予約されていない方を宿泊室内に連れてくることは禁止です。もし予約されていない方が宿泊された場合、30,000円を罰金として頂きます。
  • 21:00以降、近隣の住民の方・他のお客様のご迷惑にならないよう、騒音や大きな声での会話はご遠慮ください。



  • 夏季(GW明け~11月末まで):到着日の7日前の前日までは無料でキャンセルできます。到着日の7日前以降にキャンセルした場合は、宿泊料金の100%が請求されます。予約の際、宿泊代金の総額の20%が予約保証金として必要です。予約保証金は返金不可ですのでご了承ください。予約保証金の支払いをもってご予約の確約となります。残金はチェックイン時に現金でお支払いください。
  • 冬期(12月~赤倉観光スキーリゾートの冬期クローズまで):到着日の14日前の前日までは無料でキャンセルできます。到着日の14日前以降にキャンセルした場合は、宿泊料金の100%が請求されます。予約の際、宿泊代金の総額の20%が予約保証金として必要です。予約保証金は返金不可ですのでご了承ください。予約保証金の支払いをもってご予約の確約となります。残金はチェックイン時に現金でお支払いください。